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University Physics Volume 2: Chapter 5


Charge, Conductors, and Insulators: Introduction to Electrostatics

Electric Charge (q)

  • A basic property: Objects can have a positive or negative electric charge.
  • Types: Positive charge (more protons than electrons), Negative charge (more electrons than protons).
  • Conservation: Charge is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred.
  • Quantized: Q=ne. Charge exists in multiples of the elementary charge e=1.6×1019C.


  • Definition: Materials where electric charges (electrons or ions) can move freely.
  • Examples: Metals like copper and silver. Salt-Solutions.


  • Definition: Materials where charges can’t move freely.
  • Examples: Glass, rubber, and plastic.

Coulomb's Law in Vector Form

The electrostatic force Fts between two point charges qs (source charge) and qt (test charge), separated by a distance r, is given by:



  • Fts: Force (vector) on the test charge by the source charge
  • ke: Electrostatic constant, approximately 8.99×109N m2/C2
  • qs: Source charge (the charge exerting the force)
  • qt: Test charge (the charge the force is exerted on)
  • r: Distance between the charges
  • r^: Unit vector (a vector of length one) pointing from the source charge to the test charge

Calculation Example of Coulomb's Law in Vector Form

Triboelectric effect/series or triboelectricity

The triboelectric effect is a phenomenon where certain materials become electrically charged after they come into contact and are then separated. This effect occurs due to friction, causing electrons to transfer between the materials. As a result, one material gains electrons (becoming negatively charged) and the other loses electrons (becoming positively charged).

Different materials have varying tendencies to gain or lose electrons, which are organized in the triboelectric series. Materials higher on the series (such as glass or hair) tend to lose electrons and become positively charged, while materials lower on the series (such as rubber or Teflon) tend to gain electrons and become negatively charged.

The triboelectric effect is commonly observed in everyday life, for example:

  • When a balloon rubbed on hair makes the hair stand up.
  • When synthetic clothing generates static cling.


Bending Water

Sticking a balloon to the wall

Electrostatics Simulations

Check out these links for playing with charges:

These and more links can be found at:


See how lightning strikes:

Lightning applet

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